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The Mass Grave: CA 7, CA 14U, CA 31 (TEMP I-15), US 60, CA 65, US 91, US 99, CA 118, CA 163 (Old), CA 164, CA 195

Jump to: CA 7 | CA 14 Unrelinquished | CA 31 (TEMP I-15) | US 60 | CA 65 | US 91 | US 99 | CA 118 | CA 163 (Old) | CA 164 | CA 195

The Mass Grave is my grab bag of interesting incomplete surveys of routes long gone that don't merit separate entries of their own, particularly left-over signage or evidence of old signage that remains, or sometimes things that are just plain weird or bizarre related to a state highway's history whether vintage signs or not. Some of these mini-entries may graduate to full entries in the future, but for now, please enjoy them in miniature and keep your voices down in respect for others visiting the cemetery.

See individual entries for dates of photography.

CA 7

[Los Angeles 1947-1999 -- scrolling map] Photographed February 2005. The thumbnail at right opens a new window with a scrolling map of Los Angeles freeways for comparison.

CA 7 is the original signage for the Long Beach Fwy in Los Angeles, or what is now called I-710. This renumbering occurred in 1984, so it's not too surprising that a few remnants survive, although they pop up in a few unusual areas. Note on the scrolling map how the Long Beach Freeway is signed CA 7 in 1984 (before the renumbering) and earlier, and only appears as I-710 in the final map section. (Prior to being CA 7 it was CA 15, but that introduced an obvious duplicate with Interstate 15. None of the old CA 15 signage is left.)

The most obvious remnants are the bridge postmiles, so we'll show a few of those.

Collector/distributor exit to Pacific Coast Highway on SB I-710. To save your eyes and my bandwidth, here is an enlargement of the bridge sign at lower right, clearly showing both I-710 (on the rear sign) and old CA 7.
This is an old-style postmile sign and old-style bridge marker, both still present. NB I-710 at I-405 interchange, in the collector lane, mercifully with no one behind allowing me some time for a clear shot.
One of the most baffling gaffes was this overhead sign at Floral Drive and N. Ford Blvd. Despite obvious recent upgrades (based on the new-style I-710 sign), the overhead street sign still said CA 7. Incredibly, this was still up as late as summer 2012.
CA 7's original routing went all the way to what is now I-210 (Caltrans eventually gave up and started releasing the previously acquired right-of-way). However, look on the maps above for a wee little stub of CA 7 (and Route 710) just south of the present-day I-210/CA 134 interchange (we travel it in detail in our Route 110 exhibit's Part 1 and Part 3). This stub rams into California Blvd going south, and comes off Pasadena Ave going north, signed as access to I-210 and CA 134.
Immediately after getting on from Pasadena Avenue, however, we see this bridge sign identifying the route as CA 7.
This through route will now never be completed due to its impending legislative abandonment in 2024. Although construction was taking place at the time, it has now since ceased.
Look! It's the new Laurel Canyon-Pasadena Bypass Fwy! Now with even MORE community opposition and real beetroot flavour!!! (Just kidding; look at the callbox for what this really is.)
710 on bridge signage on east I-210, merging with CA 134, down through the tunnels; same interchange, but just from the northern side.
CA 14U "Unrelinquished"

[14 Unrelinquished shield] Photographed May 2005. No matter which side you stand on regarding the state budget, one thing is certain: the State of California wastes a freaking lot of money. Want proof? Here it is in a roadgeek friendly form: Route 14 Unrelinquished.

In basic terms, when an alignment is abandoned in California (normally after a routing has been moved or deleted), it doesn't just go away; Caltrans has to go through a legislative process called relinquishment where maintenance of the road is offered back to the city or county through which it runs, and the city/county then votes to accept it. Until then, even though the alignment is abandoned, it still carries a route number even though it's not a state highway anymore. To denote this state of bureaucratic limbo, a "U" for "Unrelinquished" is added to the route number; one example of this is CA 103 north of CA 1, which is not part of the legislative routing anymore, and thus is technically CA 103U because the state hasn't yet given (in this case) the city of Long Beach back the actual land the road is on even though the legislative definition of CA 103 no longer goes past that point.

Because the U basically marks the route for eventual legislative destruction, it would seem very silly to sign a route with Unrelinquished markers because why would you waste the money on manufacturing and putting up shields -- let alone custom-made shields with the "U" designation -- on a route you intend to dismantle anyway? Regardless, that's exactly what Caltrans did with CA 14U, an unrelinquished portion of the route's old Sierra Hwy alignment (Sierra Hwy being former US 6) running parallel to the modern CA 14 Antelope Valley Fwy in northern Los Angeles county. For those unfamiliar with it, CA 14 serves Lancaster, Palmdale and Mojave, all the way up to its termination at modern US 395; the freeway was built in segments between 1963 and 1975. However, obviously not all parts of the alignment were apparently relinquished, and that leaves us with a bizarre stretch of signs that to my knowledge have no similar peer anywhere else in the state. While I don't know when they were placed, they are obviously of recent vintage.

According to Google Maps, these signs all exist (or existed) within Santa Clarita city limits, although portions of the alignment have already been relinquished (south of PM T26.8 at San Fernando Rd, old CA 126, is no longer 14U as of 9/02). There were no signs north of Friendly Valley Pkwy, so I assume it was relinquished past there as well; I checked on Sierra Hwy as far north as Soledad Cyn Rd and did not find any other 14U shields, and there are none on Sierra Hwy approaching The Old Rd.

Southbound CA 14U

Starting at Friendly Valley Pkwy and making a U-turn to go south.
First 14U sign at Sierra Hwy and Rainbow Glen, originally spotted by Paul DeRocco, whose report in ca.driving prompted me to go take a look.
The Golden Valley Rd intersection doesn't have a 14U on the mastarm going south, but the back of the northbound shield is seen here. We'll come back in a little bit.
14U shield descending south towards Placerita Cyn Rd.
Dockweiler Drive.
Apparent southernmost "terminus" of sorts of 14U, at old CA 126.
[Enhanced 126 shield] There is no CA 14U shield on the mastarm here at San Fernando Rd, and no 14U shields south of here. However, there is a pattern of glue damage on this sign to the left showing where the old CA 126 button copy used to be; click the thumbnail for a separate window with an enhanced high-contrast/threshold-gated image and compare it with the unenhanced picture (look at the pink arrows to see the spade outline and the numbers; step back from the screen a bit if it's not immediately obvious). An old postmile just south of this intersection shows PM 26.5 (just before the cemetery, if you're in the area). Note that there are no postmiles of any sort along the stretch I've photographed.

Northbound CA 14U

We turn around and start heading north again.

First shield north of San Fernando Rd. The freeway is in the background.
Dockweiler Dr again.
Placerita Cyn Rd.
Finally, the shield facing northbound traffic on Golden Valley Rd.
Last shield, once again on Rainbow Glen Dr.
CA 31 and TEMP I-15

[TEMP I-15 and Route 31, 1976 -- 63K] Photographed March 2005. A fair bit of this is obsolete due to sign replacement on CA 60, but some signage still currently survives.

It can be argued that CA 31 was never really a route in its own right, merely a legislative stub until I-15 was built (in this case, between Corona and Rancho Cucamonga/Ontario, although at least one of my maps from 1974 seems to indicate that the stub at Devore that would eventually be signed I-15 was also at some point signed CA 31). It was not created as a route until 1964 when I-15 was already well on the books, and CA 31 would be deleted in favour of the Interstate a mere ten years later in 1974 (although signs remained up for a time until the Interstate was completed, thereby making them pointless).

The thumbnail to the right opens up a new window with a 64K slice of a 1976 map showing CA 31's alignment along Hamner and Milliken Avenues, co-signed as I-15. (The Devore stub is at the top right.) At the present-day CA 60/I-15 interchange in Mira Loma, we have several interesting remnants of CA 31 and even TEMP I-15 which literally float right in front of our face, so let's have a look.

Approaching the interchange with a clearly different layout of letters in the bottom half where the CA 31 exit would have been. Let's see what used to be there.
[Enhancement of CA 31 shield, 11K] As shown on the CA 126 sign above, Caltrans likes to recycle their signs and prefers to alter them rather than make new ones if possible. Thus, when that segment of CA 126 was decommissioned, Caltrans simply stripped the button copy of the shield off, leaving tell-tale glue damage behind.

So is it also with this advance signage indicating the I-15 interchange, and under optimum light can even be seen with the naked eye (around 8 or 9am was when these photos were taken). Click the thumbnail at right for an 11K enhanced high-contrast and threshold-gated image showing the old exit right under the "new" button copy -- Hamner and Milliken, and a 31 shield.

Approaching the Mira Loma interchange, built in 1986. Let's look at two enlargements, starting with the centre and then the left panel.
[Enhancement of TEMP I-15 shield, 31K] The most high-yield part of the interchange signage is the centre plate here, where the morning sun striking it shows a designator (probably TEMP), an Interstate shield, and Norco, Corona, NEXT RIGHT. Click the thumbnail at right for a 32K enhanced high-contrast image and compare the two.

[Enhancement of CA 31 shield] A Route 31 shield appears on the left part of the overhead sign also, although its damage pattern is a bit more worn. Next to the Hamner Ave/Milliken Ave text is a faint area of glue damage showing a miner's spade and the digits 31. Unlike the other enhancements, however, this one required a lot of contrast boost to bring out (click the thumbnail at right for the high-contrast/threshold-gated image). The miner's spade, indicated by the long green arrow, was easy to illustrate, but the digits are a lot fainter (indicated by the two short arrows). Crossing your eyes or stepping back from the monitor helps a little.

The "NEXT RIGHT" in the sign bridge above was indicating the exit for Hamner Ave and Milliken Ave, just past the I-15 interchange.
[Enhancement of CA 31/I-15 shields Milliken Ave, 53K] Note the suspicious gap between the left edge of the sign and the button copy. This is, of course, because something used to be there. The most obvious to the naked eye is another Interstate shield and (presumed) TEMP marker, but on the high-contrast view, a miner's spade appears. I ran the image through the threshold-gating filter in Photoshop and was able to isolate the "3" in Route 31 from it, but even obscenely high amounts of threshold boost could not generate enough contrast to pop out the "1". The threshold-gated portion is overlaid on the image to show where it appears in relationship to the other components. Click the thumbnail for the 53K full image.

[Rivet enhancement of CA 31/I-15 shields Milliken Ave, 86K] So, if we can't get the enchilada by looking at glue damage, we look at the other type of signage change scarring -- rivets. Contrast boost helps make the rivet holes stand out, as does the sun glare from rephotographing at a slightly different angle. The result is at right (click the thumbnail for an 86K image), with arrows indicating the TEMP shield and the route digits.

US 60

[US 60 shield] Photographed May 2005. Modern-day CA 60 (compare with CA 91, also on this page), which runs between the East Los Angeles Interchange and Beaumont, is the remnant of US 60 in California. Unlike some US routes that were chopped down with the rise of the Interstate system (US 91, for example), US 60 survives nearly intact outside of California, running from Quartzsite, AZ to Newport News, VA and retaining its preeminence as a (now almost) transcontinental route. Its destruction in California was probably because of the multiple multiplexes (say that five times fast) of US 60 and I-10 (old US 70, parts old US 99) along their respective courses; rather than preserve the potentially confusing multiplex signage, it was simply chopped off at the ankles, as it were.

Nevertheless, at the Beaumont interchange, the US 60 shield remained up, ill-covered by a CA 60 greenout plate (enlargement at right). Notice that the underlying US 60 shield is an older style without button copy. Much of the US 60 expressway between Beaumont and Moreno Valley is still more or less in its original form, making it a fascinating trip back through time. Drive carefully, however, as the Badlands route is very substandard with respect to curves, grades and shoulder space. Continue on to the US 91 entry for some maps showing the Riverside freeway sign changes through time.

Beaumont interchange. This sign remained up until late August 2020, when it was replaced with new retroflective signage.
CA 65 (and US 40)

Photographed October 2005. [US 40 signage on Riverside Avenue, old CA 65.] CA 65 is a major state arterial in central and northern California, split into a southern half between Bakersfield and Exeter, and then from Roseville (outside Sacramento) to Marysville. The modern CA 65 in Roseville is constructed on a freeway alignment between Interstate 80 and Lincoln, but the old CA 65 was routed on Riverside Avenue down the main city centre. Dan Faigin mentions that CA 65 was routed on US 99E, but it also seems that it was routed on US 40 as well given all the Historic US 40 signs posted on Riverside Avenue (right).

A CA 65 postmile still survives a mile or two north of I-80, on the southbound side.
US 91

[San Bernardino/Riverside 1947-1999 -- scrolling map] Photographed April 2005. Like CA 60, CA 91 is the ghost of a mightier highway long since decomissioned in this state. Modern-day CA 91, which runs between Riverside and Gardena, is the remnant of old US 91 in California. US 91 today runs between Brigham City, UT and Idaho Falls, ID, a faint shadow of its former self as US 91 ran originally from Long Beach, CA all the way to Sweetgrass, MT and the Canadian border. Modern I-15 today carries much of the rest of the routing.

The thumbnail at right opens a new window with a scrolling map of Inland Empire freeways, as referenced in the US 60 entry above. Notice the US 60 and US 91 freeways in the San Bernardino/Riverside area from 1947 to 1963, and their subsequent resignage as CA 60 and CA 91 (ATGR), respectively, in 1965.

Again, this mini-exhibit depends on the fact Caltrans reuses a lot of their signage. Although this sign in question has since been dismantled and removed, it's still an interesting artifact to remember.

The old sign originally stood here, at the WB CA 91 onramp at Tyler St in Riverside.
[Enhanced sign image, 72K] The sign itself seems to date from the original US 91 freeway built 1957-61. When we get up close to the sign and the light hits it, again we see the ghosts of glue damage, but the clue that this is probably from the US 91 days is right in front of us: the control city is still listed as Long Beach, which was true before the Great Renumbering, but wrong now. On the 72K high-contrast view (click the thumbnail to the right), we also see the ghosts of two control cities above it, San Bernardino and then Riverside, as well as a "Freeway" legend behind the current CA 91 shield, which was typical signage for some of the older freeways in this area (old US 395 -- now I-215 -- has a sign like this near the Columbia Avenue interchange in northern Riverside). None of this is as incontrovertible as, say, a big fat US shield pattern, but it still makes for interesting conjecture.
US 99

Photographed October 2005. Who doesn't know US 99? This is one of the big ones, the highway everyone's trying to travel when they're not frolicking on US 66. If you've been hiding in a hole for the last half-century, US 99 ran from the Mexican border south of El Centro, CA, through San Bernardino and Los Angeles, then through Bakersfield and Fresno, and into Oregon and Washington states pretty much along the course of Interstate 5 to Portland and Seattle into Canada. Its receiving highway in British Columbia is still BC 99, and most of the leftover alignments in all three states are still signed as OR 99 or WA 99, or in this case, CA 99. CA 99 still serves Fresno along what is the largest of the old 99 alignments, leaving Fresno the largest city in the United States not served by an Interstate as of this writing (I-5 runs on a bypass alignment considerably further west).

All that to say that when you find a US 99 shield in the wild, it's a big thing; two survived (and another two on the northbound side) at Atwater until the mid 2010's, improperly covered with state shields a la US 60 above.

Southbound US CA 99 at Atwater. These signs have sadly been replaced.
CA 118

[CA 118 in 1957 through Sunland, La Canada Flintridge and Glendale.] Photographed February 2007. CA 118 today is a major freeway between eastern Ventura county and Sylmar (at Interstate 210), plus a local arterial for points west to its terminus at CA 126 in Saticoy. An unconstructed portion was supposed to head east of Sylmar partially down I-210 and then west at Sunland Blvd towards unconstructed CA 249 (approximately where LACo N3/Angeles Forest Hwy runs now), probably along Big Tujunga Cyn Rd. This is unlikely to ever get built, by the way.

Before all that, however, CA 118 actually went far south of Sunland along Foothill Boulevard (parallel to I-210) to terminate at US 66 in Pasadena; I-210 technically replaced CA 118 with the 1964 redesignation, although much of the old highway persisted well into the 1970s. This former routing can be seen in the 1957 map at left, including the old Foothill Freeway (which still survives, not to be confused with I-210 itself, which is the new Foothill Freeway -- see Old Highway 30).

However, at least one old sign survived until around 2010 showing the old routing on Foothill, in Sunland Park just east of the modern Interstate.
Notice, however, that it is 1) not button copy -- instead using the old plastic reflectors -- and 2) using the older black-on-white shield style that has not been in service since the 1964 renumbering. There is no date code on the back, just the panels holding the reflectors in. It is to date the only recently surviving piece of signage for old CA 118 I've found in this area, but I imagine it was left alone for as long as it was since the real CA 118 is only a few miles north.
CA 163 (Old)

Photographed November 2005. No, not that CA 163 -- the first one. As defined in 1964, old CA 163 ran from Lacy Street and Avenue 26 along Ave 26 to Interstate 5 in Los Angeles (previously an old stub of US 6 and US 99 before they moved to the Golden State Freeway). This lasted for only a year and I have never found it on any maps, although Dan Faigin has the legislative history.

So, credit where credit is due to the sharp-eyed Stan Konar, who wrote in one fine November day to tell me that old CA 163 lives!

Here's a bridge sign on SB Ave 26 showing it (sadly defaced), along with an(other) anachronistic reference to CA 11, or modern CA 110, which it crosses.
The bridge itself is very stately despite the abuse, and carries a date of 1939.
Overlooking CA 110, the Arroyo Seco Parkway portion, SB towards Los Angeles (actually facing west).
The sign also appears on the other side of the bridge, too (here looking north, and also maddeningly vandalized -- is there nothing those buttheads won't tag?).
View towards CA 110, northbound (facing east) to Pasadena this time.
In 1965, CA 163 was deleted; the number did not come back into use until 1969, when it was assigned to the former US 395 freeway in San Diego. That remains CA 163's present designation to this day.
CA 164 "CA 19"

Photographed February 2007. CA 164 today is a little known (and almost completely unsigned) route between Pico Rivera and Sierra Madre along most of Rosemead Boulevard. "But, wait!" I hear you cry. "This is Route 19!" Well, actually, no, it's not. In fact, this is one of those rare circumstances apart from multiplexes where the legislative route number no longer matches the signed highway, and was actually introduced with the 1964 renumbering that was supposed to eliminate such inconsistencies!

The reason why CA 19 remains over the entire route is because it in fact did possess the whole route between Long Beach to US 66/Foothill Blvd in Sierra Madre before the 1964 renumbering (although apparently over San Gabriel Blvd just a couple blocks west). Unlike many deleted or altered route numbers where the signage eventually caught up with the route number on the books, this never happened for CA 19. Today, CA 19 ends internally at the otherwise nondescript Gallatin Rd in Pico Rivera, and CA 164 continues north from there on Rosemead Blvd.

The signed end of CA 19 was and remains here, now at I-210.
However, the bridge postmile rats the actual route out, signed as the 210/164 separation.
CA 195

[CA 195, 1967.] Photographed July 2005 and July 2008. This exhibit has been greatly expanded in the Old CA 195 section. These older images remain here for posterity.

Old CA 195 is one of those ignominous routes to die a painful death twice, first at the hands of US 95, and then at the hands of the CA 86 expressway (current CA "86S" Expwy). CA 195 was first signed in 1934, replaced by US 95 in 1940, and then reincarnated by 1963 between CA 86 in Oasis and US 60/US 70 (soon to be I-10), as shown in the 1967 inset map on the right. What most people don't know is that this was actually a major routing during the very early days of the state highway system, for it was the original routing of US 60 through southeastern Riverside county to Chiraco Summit prior to the construction of the later and current route ca. 1937.

Its former terminus was here, at the Mecca/Twentynine Palms exit on present Interstate 10.
On the overpass, an ancient postmile still marks this bridge as old CA 195.
Directional signage at the exit. North of this point is the Joshua Tree Nat'l Monument.
Heading south towards Mecca.
[CA 195, 1974.] In 1972, CA 195 between I-10 and CA 111 was deleted. The inset map at right shows the truncated alignment from 1974.

See more on the full CA 195 exhibit!

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