#!/usr/bin/perl -s ######################################################################### # # TTYtter v0.8 (c)2007, 2008 cameron kaiser. all rights reserved. # http://www.floodgap.com/software/ttytter/ # # distributed under the floodgap free software license # http://www.floodgap.com/software/ffsl/ # # After all, we're flesh and blood. -- Oingo Boingo # If someone writes an app and no one uses it, does his code run? -- me # ######################################################################### require 5.005; #&grabjson;exit; #$maxhist=19;while(<>){last if(&prinput($_));}exit; BEGIN { $TTYtter_VERSION = 0.8; $TTYtter_PATCH_VERSION = 0; (warn ("${TTYtter_VERSION}.${TTYtter_PATCH_VERSION}\n"), exit) if ($version); $ENV{'PERL_SIGNALS'} = 'unsafe'; %valid = qw( url 1 lynx 1 curl 1 pause 1 user 1 seven 1 dmurl 1 dmpause 1 silent 1 superverbose 1 maxhist 1 noansi 1 lib 1 verbose 1 hold 1 status 1 update 1 daemon 1 timestamp 1 ansi 1 uurl 1 rurl 1 twarg 1 anonymous 1 wurl 1 script 1 ); if (open(W, ($n = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.ttytterrc"))) { #open(W, $n) || die("wickedness: $!\n"); while() { chomp; next if (/^\s*$/ || /^#/); ($key, $value) = split(/\=/, $_, 2); if ($valid{$key} && !length($$key)) { $$key = $value; } elsif (!$valid{$key}) { warn "** setting $key not supported in this version\n"; } } close(W); } $seven ||= 0; $lib ||= ""; $parent = $$; # defaults that our lib can override $icount = 1; $last_id = 0; $last_dm = 0; $print_max = 20; if (length($lib)) { warn "** attempting to load library: $lib\n" unless ($silent); require $lib; } unless ($seven) { eval 'use utf8;binmode(STDIN,":utf8");binmode(STDOUT,":utf8");return 1' || die("$@\nthis perl doesn't fully support UTF-8. use -seven.\n"); } if ($timestamp) { if (length($timestamp) > 1) { # pattern specified eval 'use Date::Parse;return 1' || die("$@\nno Date::Parse -- no custom timestamps.\nspecify -timestamp by itself to use Twitter's without module.\n"); eval 'use Date::Format;return 1' || die("$@\nno Date::Format -- no custom timestamps.\nspecify -timestamp by itself to use Twitter's without module.\n"); $mtimestamp = 1; $timestamp = "%Y-%m-%d %k:%M:%S" if ($timestamp eq "default" || $timestamp eq "def"); } } } END { &killkid; } sub killkid { if ($child) { print STDOUT "\n\ncleaning up.\n"; kill 9, $child; } } # interpret script at this level if ($script) { $silent = 1; $pause = 0; $noansi = 1; } # dup STDOUT for benefit of various other scripts open(DUPSTDOUT, ">&STDOUT") || warn("** warning: could not dup STDOUT: $!\n"); if ($silent) { close(STDOUT); open(STDOUT, ">>/dev/null"); # KLUUUUUUUDGE } # defaults $anonymous ||= 0; $url ||= ($anonymous) ? "http://twitter.com/statuses/public_timeline.json" : "http://twitter.com/statuses/friends_timeline.json"; $rurl ||= "http://twitter.com/statuses/replies.json"; $uurl ||= "http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline"; $wurl ||= "http://twitter.com/users/show"; $update ||= "http://twitter.com/statuses/update.json"; $dmurl ||= "http://twitter.com/direct_messages.json"; $dmpause = 4 if (!defined $dmpause); # NOT ||= ... zero is a VALID value! $dmpause = 0 if ($anonymous); $pause = 120 if (!defined $pause); # NOT ||= ... zero is a VALID value! $dmpause = 0 if (!$pause); $superverbose ||= 0; $verbose ||= $superverbose; $hold ||= 0; $daemon ||= 0; $maxhist ||= 19; $ansi ||= ($noansi) ? 0 : (($ENV{'TERM'} eq 'ansi' || $ENV{'TERM'} eq 'xterm-color') ? 1 : 0); $timestamp ||= 0; $whoami = (split(/\:/, $user, 2))[0]; $twarg ||= undef; $dmcount = $dmpause; # to force unambiguous bareword interpretation $true = 'true'; sub true { return 'true'; } $false = 'false'; sub false { return 'false'; } $null = undef; sub null { return undef; } # ANSI sequences $ESC = pack("C", 27); $BEL = pack("C", 7); $BLUE = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[34;1m" : ''; $RED = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[31;1m" : ''; $GREEN = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[32;1m" : ''; $YELLOW = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[33m" : ''; $MAGENTA = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[35m" : ''; $CYAN = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[36m" : ''; $EM = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[1;3m" : ''; $OFF = ($ansi) ? "${ESC}[0m" : ''; # default exposed methods # don't change these here. instead, use -lib=yourlibrary.pl and set them there. # note that these are all anonymous subroutine references. # anything you don't define is overwritten by the defaults. # it's better'n'superclasses. sub defaultexception { shift; print STDOUT "${MAGENTA}@_${OFF}"; $laststatus = 1; } $exception ||= \&defaultexception; # [{"text":"\"quote test\" -- let's see what that does to the code.","id":56487562,"user":{"name":"Cameron Kaiser","profile_image_url":"http:\/\/assets2.twitter.com\/system\/user\/profile_image\/3841961\/normal\/me2.jpg?1176083923","screen_name":"doctorlinguist","description":"Christian conservative physician computer and road geek. Am I really as interesting as everyone says I am?","location":"Southern California","url":"http:\/\/www.cameronkaiser.com","id":3841961,"protected":false},"created_at":"Wed May 09 03:28:38 +0000 2007"}, sub defaulthandle { if ($silent) { print DUPSTDOUT &standardtweet(shift); } else { print STDOUT &standardtweet(shift); } return 1; } sub standardtweet { my $ref = shift; my $sn = &descape($ref->{'user'}->{'screen_name'}); my $tweet = &descape($ref->{'text'}); my $g = "<$sn> $tweet$OFF\n"; # br3nda's modified timestamp patch if ($timestamp) { my $time = $ref->{'created_at'}; my $ts = $time; if ($mtimestamp) { # avoid precompiling these in case .pm not present eval '$time = str2time($time);' || die("str2time failed: $time $@ $!\n"); eval '$ts = time2str($timestamp, $time);' || die("time2str failed: $timestamp $time $@\n"); } $g = "$ts $g"; } # br3nda's modified colour patch unless ($anonymous) { if ($sn eq $whoami) { #if it's me speaking, colour the line yellow $g = "$YELLOW$g"; } elsif ($tweet =~ /\@$whoami/i) { #if I'm in the tweet, colour red $g = "$RED$g"; } } return $g; } $handle ||= \&defaulthandle; sub defaultconclude { ; } $conclude ||= \&defaultconclude; # {"recipient_id":3841961,"sender":{"url":"http:\/\/www.xanga.com\/the_shambleyqueen","name":"Staci Gainor","screen_name":"emo_mom","profile_image_url":"http:\/\/assets2.twitter.com\/system\/user\/profile_image\/7460892\/normal\/Staci_070818__2_.jpg?1187488390","description":"mildly neurotic; slightly compulsive; keenly observant Christian mom of four, including identical twins","location":"Pennsylvania","id":7460892,"protected":false},"created_at":"Fri Aug 24 04:03:14 +0000 2007","sender_screen_name":"emo_mom","recipient_screen_name":"doctorlinguist","recipient":{"url":"http:\/\/www.cameronkaiser.com","name":"Cameron Kaiser","screen_name":"doctorlinguist","profile_image_url":"http:\/\/assets2.twitter.com\/system\/user\/profile_image\/3841961\/normal\/me2.jpg?1176083923","description":"Christian conservative physician computer and road geek. Am I really as interesting as everyone says I am?","location":"Southern California","id":3841961,"protected":false},"text":"that is so cool; does she have a bit of an accent? do you? :-) and do you like vegemite sandwiches?","sender_id":7460892,"id":8570802} sub defaultdmhandle { if ($silent) { print DUPSTDOUT &standarddm(shift); } else { print STDOUT &standarddm(shift); } return 1; } sub standarddm { my $ref = shift; my $time = $ref->{'created_at'}; my $ts = $time; if ($mtimestamp) { # avoid precompiling these in case .pm not present eval '$time = str2time($time);' || die("str2time failed: $time $@ $!\n"); eval '$ts = time2str($timestamp, $time);' || die("time2str failed: $timestamp $time $@\n"); } my $g = "${GREEN}[DM ". &descape($ref->{'sender'}->{'screen_name'}) . '/'. $ts . '] '. &descape($ref->{'text'}) . "$OFF\n"; return $g; } $dmhandle ||= \&defaultdmhandle; sub defaultdmconclude { ; } $dmconclude ||= \&defaultdmconclude; sub defaultheartbeat { ; } $heartbeat ||= \&defaultheartbeat; select(STDOUT); $|++; die("$0: specify -user=username:password\n") if (!$anonymous && (!length($user) || $user !~ /:/ || $user =~ /[\s;><|]/)); if ($lynx) { $wend = &wherecheck("trying to find Lynx", "lynx", "specify -curl to use curl instead, or just let TTYtter autodetect stuff.\n"); } else { $wend = (($curl) ? &wherecheck("trying to find curl", "curl", "specify -lynx to use Lynx instead, or just let TTYtter autodetect stuff.\n") : &wherecheck("trying to find curl", "curl")); if (!$curl && !length($wend)) { $wend = &wherecheck("failed. trying to find Lynx", "lynx", "you must have either Lynx or curl installed to use TTYtter.\n") if (!length($wend)); $lynx = 1; } } if ($lynx) { $wend = "$wend -nostatus"; $wend = "$wend -auth=$user" unless ($anonymous); $wand = "$wend -source"; $wind = "$wand"; $wend = "$wend -post_data"; } else { $wend = "$wend --basic -m 13 -f"; $wend = "$wend -u $user" unless ($anonymous); $wand = "$wend -f"; $wind = "$wend"; $wend = "$wend --data \@-"; } $whoami = ($anonymous) ? undef : ((split(/\:/, $user, 2))[0]); # initial login tests and command line controls $phase = 0; for(;;) { $rv = 0; die( "sorry, you can't tweet anonymously. use an authenticated username.\n") if ($anonymous && length($status)); if (length($status) && $phase) { print "post attempt "; $rv = &updatest($status, 0); } else { print "test-login "; $data = `$wind $url 2>/dev/null`; $rv = $?; } if ($rv) { $x = $rv >> 8; print "FAILED. ($x) bad username? bad url? resource down?\n"; print "access failure on: "; print (($phase) ? $update : $url); print "\n"; if ($hold) { print "trying again in 3 minutes, or kill process now.\n\n"; sleep 180; next; } print "to automatically wait for a connect, use -hold.\n"; exit 1; } if ($status && !$phase) { print "SUCCEEDED!\n"; $phase++; next; } last; } print "SUCCEEDED!\n"; exit 0 if (length($status)); # daemon mode if ($daemon) { if (!$pause) { print STDOUT "*** kind of stupid to run daemon with pause=0\n"; exit 1; } if ($child = fork()) { print STDOUT "*** detached daemon released. pid = $child\n"; kill 15, $$; exit 0; } elsif (!defined($child)) { print STDOUT "*** fork() failed: $!\n"; exit 1; } else { # using our regular MONITOR select() loop won't work, because # STDIN is almost always "ready." so we use a blunter, # simpler one. $parent = 0; &dmrefresh(0) if ($dmpause > 1); # no point if it's 1:1 for(;;) { &$heartbeat; &refresh(0); if ($dmpause) { if (!--$dmcount) { &dmrefresh(0); $dmcount = $dmpause; } } sleep $pause; } } die("uncaught fork() exception\n"); } # interactive mode print <<"EOF"; ###################################################### +oo=========oo+ ${EM}TTYtter ${TTYtter_VERSION}.${TTYtter_PATCH_VERSION} (c)2008 cameron kaiser${OFF} @ @ EOF $e = <<'EOF'; ${EM}all rights reserved.${OFF} +oo= =====oo+ ${EM}http://www.floodgap.com/software/ttytter/${OFF} ${GREEN}a==:${OFF} ooo ${GREEN}.++o++.${OFF} ${GREEN}..o**O${OFF} freeware under the floodgap free software license. ${GREEN}+++${OFF} :O${GREEN}:::::${OFF} http://www.floodgap.com/software/ffsl/ ${GREEN}+**O++${OFF} # ${GREEN}:ooa${OFF} #+$$AB=. ${EM}tweet me: http://twitter.com/doctorlinguist${OFF} #;;${YELLOW}ooo${OFF};; ${EM}tell me: ckaiser@floodgap.com${OFF} #+a;+++;O ###################################################### ,$B.${RED}*o***${OFF} O$, # a=o${RED}$*O*O*$${OFF}o=a # when ready, hit RETURN/ENTER for a prompt. @${RED}$$$$$${OFF}@ # type /help for commands or /quit to quit. @${RED}o${OFF}@o@${RED}o${OFF}@ # starting background monitoring process. @=@ @=@ # EOF $e =~ s/\$\{([A-Z]+)\}/${$1}/eg; print STDOUT $e; if ($superverbose) { print STDOUT "-- OMGSUPERVERBOSITYSPAM enabled.\n\n"; } else { print STDOUT "-- verbosity enabled.\n\n" if ($verbose); } sleep 2 unless ($silent); if ($child = open(C, "|-")) { ; } else { goto MONITOR; } select(C); $|++; select(STDOUT); sub defaultprompt { print STDOUT "${CYAN}TTYtter>${OFF} "; } $prompt ||= \&defaultprompt; sub defaultconsole { @history = (); &$prompt; while(<>) { $rv = &prinput($_); last if ($rv); } } $console ||= \&defaultconsole; &$console; exit; sub prinput { my $i; local($_) = shift; # bleh chomp; s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; if (/^$/) { &$prompt; return 0; } # handle history display if ($_ eq '/history' || $_ eq '/h') { for ($i = scalar(@history); $i >= 1; $i--) { print STDOUT "\t$i\t$history[($i-1)]\n"; } &$prompt; return 0; } if (/^\%(\%|-\d+):p$/) { my $x = $1; if ($x eq '%') { print STDOUT "=> \"$history[0]\"\n"; } else { $x += 0; if (!$x || $x < -(scalar(@history))) { print STDOUT "*** illegal index\n"; } else { print STDOUT "=> \"$history[-($x + 1)]\"\n"; } } &$prompt; return 0; } # handle history substitution (including /%%, %%--, etc.) $i = 0; if (/^(\/?)\%(\%|-\d+)(--|-\d+)?/) { $i = 1; my $y = $1; my $r = $2; my $s = $3; my $x; my $q; $_ = substr($_, 1) if ($y eq '/'); if ($r eq '%') { $x = -1; } else { $x = $r + 0; } if (!$x || $x < -(scalar(@history))) { print STDOUT "*** illegal index\n"; &$prompt; return 0; } my $proband = $history[-($x + 1)]; if ($s eq '--') { $q = 1; } else { $q = -(0+$s); } if ($q) { my $j; for($j=0; $j<$q; $j++) { $proband =~ s/\s+[^\s]+$//; } } s/^\%$r$s/$proband/; $_ = "$y$_"; } # and escaped history s/^\\\%/%/; print STDOUT "(expanded to \"$_\")\n" if ($i); @history = (($_, @history)[0..&min(scalar(@history), $maxhist)]); #print STDOUT join("|", @history); print STDOUT scalar(@history),"\n"; &$prompt; return 0; my $slash_first = ($_ =~ m#^/#); return -1 if ($_ eq '/quit' || $_ eq '/q'); if ($_ eq '/help' || $_ eq '/?') { print <<'EOF'; *** BASIC COMMANDS: :a$AAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAA$a, +@A:. .:B@+ /refresh =@B HELP!!! HELP!!! B@= grabs the newest :a$Ao oA$a, tweets right ;AAA$a; :a$AAAAAAAAAAA; away (or tells :AOaaao:, .:oA*:. you if there .;=$$$OBO***+ .+aaaa$: is nothing new) :*; :***O@Aaaa*o, ============ by thumping .+++++: o#o REMEMBER!! the background :OOOOOOA*:::, =@o ,:::::. ============ process. .+++++++++: =@*.....=a$OOOB#; MANY COMMANDS, AND =@OoO@BAAA#@$o, ALL TWEETS ARE =@o .+aaaaa: --ASYNCHRONOUS-- /again =@Aaaaaaaaaa*o*a;, and might not always displays last twenty =@$++=++++++:,;+aA: respond tweets, both old and ,+$@*.=O+ ...oO; oAo+. immediately! new. ,+o$OO=.+aA#####Oa;.*OO$o+. +Ba::;oaa*$Aa=aA$*aa=;::$B: ,===O@BOOOOOOOOO#@$===, /quit o@BOOOOOOOOO#@+ resumes your boring life. o@BOB@B$B@BO#@+ SEE DOCUMENTATION o@*.a@o a@o.$@+ for OTHER COMMANDS. ** EVERYTHING ELSE IS TWEETED ** o@B$B@o a@A$#@+ EOF print "PRESS RETURN/ENTER> "; $j = ; print <<"EOF"; TTYtter $TTYtter_VERSION is (c)2008 cameron kaiser. all rights reserved. this software is offered AS IS, with no guarantees. it is not endorsed by Obvious or the executives and developers of Twitter. --- twitter: doctorlinguist --- http://www.floodgap.com/software/ttytter/ --- *** subscribe to updates at http://twitter.com/ttytter or http://twitter.com/floodgap send your suggestions to me at ckaiser\@floodgap.com EOF &$prompt; return 0; } if ($_ eq '/ruler' || $_ eq '/ru') { print STDOUT <<"EOF"; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 XX TTYtter> 1...5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5...XX EOF &$prompt; return 0; } if ($_ eq '/refresh' || $_ eq '/thump' || $_ eq '/r') { &thump; &$prompt; return 0; } if ($_ =~ m#^/(w)?a(gain)?\s+([^\s]+)#) { # the synchronous form my $mode = $1; my $uname = $3; print STDOUT "-- synchronous /again command for $uname\n" if ($verbose); my $my_json_ref = &grabjson(1, "$uurl/${uname}.json", 0); if (defined($my_json_ref) && ref($my_json_ref) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })) { &tdisplay($my_json_ref); } # since interactive=1, errors are propagated in grabjson &$conclude; unless ($mode eq 'w') { &$prompt; return 0; } # else fallthrough } if ($_ =~ m#^/w(hois|a|again)?\s+([^\s]+)#) { my $uname = $2; print STDOUT "-- synchronous /whois command for $uname\n" if ($verbose); my $my_json_ref = &grabjson(1, "$wurl/${uname}.json", 0); # {"status":{"created_at":"Thu Jan 10 16:03:20 +0000 2008","text":"@ijastram grand theft probably.","id":584052732},"profile_text_color":"000000","profile_link_color":"0000ff","name":"Cameron Kaiser","profile_background_image_url":"http:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/twitter_production\/profile_background_images\/564672\/shbak.gif","profile_sidebar_fill_color":"e0ff92","description":"Christian conservative physician computer and road geek. Am I really as interesting as everyone says I am?","followers_count":277,"screen_name":"doctorlinguist","profile_sidebar_border_color":"87bc44","profile_image_url":"http:\/\/s3.amazonaws.com\/twitter_production\/profile_images\/20933022\/me2_normal.jpg","location":"Southern California","profile_background_tile":true,"favourites_count":49,"following":false,"statuses_count":9878,"friends_count":99,"profile_background_color":"9ae4e8","url":"http:\/\/www.cameronkaiser.com","id":3841961,"utc_offset":-28800,"protected":false} if (defined($my_json_ref) && ref($my_json_ref) eq 'HASH') { print STDOUT <<"EOF"; ${CYAN}@{[ &descape($my_json_ref->{'name'}) ]}${OFF} ($uname) (f:$my_json_ref->{'friends_count'}/$my_json_ref->{'followers_count'}) (u:$my_json_ref->{'statuses_count'}) EOF print STDOUT "\"@{[ &descape($my_json_ref->{'description'}) ]}\"\n" if (length($my_json_ref->{'description'})); print STDOUT "${EM}Location:${OFF}\t@{[ &descape($my_json_ref->{'location'}) ]}\n" if (length($my_json_ref->{'location'})); print STDOUT "${EM}URL:${OFF}\t\t@{[ &descape($my_json_ref->{'url'}) ]}\n" if (length($my_json_ref->{'url'})); print STDOUT <<"EOF"; ${EM}Picture:${OFF}\t@{[ &descape($my_json_ref->{'profile_image_url'}) ]} EOF } &$prompt; return 0; } if ($_ eq '/again' || $_ eq '/a') { # the asynchronous form print C "reset----\n"; &$prompt; return 0; } if ($_ eq '/replies' || $_ eq '/re') { if ($anonymous) { print STDOUT "-- sorry, how can anyone reply to you if you're anonymous?\n"; } else { # we are intentionally not keeping track of "last_re" # in this version because it is not automatically # updated and may not act as we expect. print STDOUT "-- synchronous /replies command\n" if ($verbose); my $my_json_ref = &grabjson(1, $rurl, 0); if (defined($my_json_ref) && ref($my_json_ref) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })) { &tdisplay($my_json_ref); } # since interactive=1, errors are shown by grabjson &$conclude; } &$prompt; return 0; } if ($_ eq '/dm' || $_ eq '/dmrefresh' || $_ eq '/dmr') { print C "dmthump--\n"; &$prompt; return 0; } if ($_ eq '/dmagain' || $_ eq '/dma') { print C "dmreset--\n"; &$prompt; return 0; } if ($_ eq '/end' || $_ eq '/e') { if ($child) { print "waiting for child ...\n"; print C "sync-----\n"; waitpid $child, 0; $child = 0; print "exiting.\n"; exit ($? >> 8); } exit; } if (m#^/me\s#) { $slash_first = 0; # kludge! } if ($slash_first) { if (!m#^//#) { print STDOUT "*** command not recognized\n"; print STDOUT "*** to pass as a tweet, type /%%\n"; &$prompt; return 0; } s#^/##; # leave the second slash on } if (length > 140) { $_ = substr($_, 0, 140); # s.m.r.t. truncator (like Homer Simpson) s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+$//; s/\s+[^\s]+$// if (length == 140); $history[0] = $_; print STDOUT "*** sorry, tweet too long; truncated to \"$_\"\n"; print STDOUT "*** use %% for truncated version, or append to %%.\n"; &$prompt; return 0; } &updatest($_, 1); &$prompt; return 0; } sub updatest { my $string = shift; my $interactive = shift; my $urle = ''; my $i; my $subpid; if ($anonymous) { print STDOUT "-- sorry, you can't tweet if you're anonymous.\n" if ($interactive); return 99; } # to avoid unpleasantness with UTF-8 interactions, this will simply # turn the whole thing into a hex string and insert %, thus URL # escaping the whole thing whether it needs it or not. ugly? well ... $string = unpack("H280", $string); for($i = 0; $i < length($string); $i+=2) { $urle .= '%' . substr($string, $i, 2); } $subpid = open(N, # I know the below is redundant. this is to remind me to see # if there is something cleverer to do with it later. "|$wend $update 2>/dev/null >/dev/null") || do{ print STDOUT "post failure: $!\n" if ($interactive); return 99; }; print N "source=TTYtter&status=$urle\n"; close(N); if ($? > 0) { $x = $? >> 8; print STDOUT <<"EOF" if ($interactive); ${MAGENTA}*** warning: connect timeout or no confirmation received ($x) *** to attempt a resend, type %%${OFF} EOF return $?; } return 0; } sub thump { print C "update---\n"; } MONITOR: # asynchronous monitoring process -- uses select() to receive from console $rin = ''; vec($rin,fileno(STDIN),1) = 1; # paranoia unless ($seven) { binmode(STDIN, ":utf8"); binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); } $interactive = $timeleft = 0; $dm_first_time = ($dmpause) ? 1 : 0; $effpause = $pause || undef; for(;;) { &$heartbeat; &refresh($interactive) unless ($timeleft || (!$pause && !$interactive)); if ($dmpause) { if ($dm_first_time) { &dmrefresh(0); } elsif (!$interactive) { if (!--$dmcount) { &dmrefresh($interactive); # using dm_first_time $dmcount = $dmpause; } } } $interactive = $timeleft = 0; if($timeleft=select($rout=$rin, undef, undef, ($timeleft||$effpause))) { sysread(STDIN, $rout, 10); next if (!length($rout)); if ($rout =~ /^sync/) { print STDOUT "-- synced; exiting at ", scalar localtime if ($verbose); exit $laststatus; } $last_id = 0 if ($rout =~ /^reset/); $last_dm = 0 if ($rout =~ /^dmreset/); $interactive = 1; $icount++; print STDOUT "-- command received ($icount) ", scalar localtime, " $rout" if ($verbose); if ($rout =~ /^dm/) { &dmrefresh($interactive); $dmcount = $dmpause; } else { $timeleft = 0; } } else { $icount++; print STDOUT "-- routine refresh ($icount/$dmcount) ", scalar localtime, "\n" if ($verbose); } } # the refresh engine depends on later tweets having higher id numbers. # Obvious, don't change this if you know what's good for you, ya twerps, # or I will poison all of yer kitties. *pats my Burmese, who purrs* sub grabjson { my $data; my $interactive = shift; my $url = shift; my $last_id = shift; my $tdata; my $seed; my $xurl; my $my_json_ref = undef; # durrr hat go on foot #undef $/; $data = ; $xurl = ($last_id) ? "?since_id=$last_id" : ""; print STDOUT "$wand \"$url$xurl\"\n" if ($superverbose); chomp($data = `$wand "$url$xurl" 2>/dev/null`); $data =~ s/[\r\l\n\s]*$//s; $data =~ s/^[\r\l\n\s]*//s; if (!length($data)) { &$exception(1, "*** warning: timeout or no data\n"); return undef; } # old non-JSON based error reporting code still supported if ($data =~ /^/i) { &$exception(2, "*** warning: Twitter error message received\n" . (($data =~ /Twitter:\s*([^<]+)</) ? "*** \"$1\"\n" : '')); return undef; } if ($data =~ /^rate\s*limit/i) { &$exception(3, "*** warning: exceeded API rate limit for this interval.\n" . ((($verbose) && $icount > 1) ? "*** total requests: $icount\n" : "") . "*** no updates available until interval ends.\n"); $icount = 0; return undef; } # process the JSON data ... simplemindedly, because I just write utter crap, # am not a professional programmer, and don't give a flying fig whether # kludges suck or no. # test for error/warning conditions with trivial case if ($data =~ /^\s*\{\s*(['"])(warning|error)\1\s*:\s*\1([^\1]*?)\1/s) { &$exception(2, "*** warning: Twitter $2 message received\n" . "*** \"$3\"\n"); return undef; } # first isolate escaped backslashes with a unique sequence. $bbqqmask = "BBQQ"; $seed = 0; $seed++ while ($data =~ /$bbqqmask$seed/); $bbqqmask .= $seed; $data =~ s/\\\\/$bbqqmask/g; # next isolate escaped quotes with another unique sequence. $ddqqmask = "DDQQ"; $seed = 0; $seed++ while ($data =~ /$ddqqmask$seed/); $ddqqmask .= $seed; $data =~ s/\\\"/$ddqqmask/g; # then turn literal ' into another unique sequence. you'll see # why momentarily. $ssqqmask = "SSQQ"; $seed = 0; $seed++ while ($data =~ /$ssqqmask$seed/); $ssqqmask .= $seed; $data =~ s/\'/$ssqqmask/g; # here's why: we're going to turn doublequoted strings into single # quoted strings to avoid nastiness like variable interpolation. $data =~ s/\"/\'/g; print STDOUT "$data\n" if ($superverbose); # trust, but verify. I'm sure twitter wouldn't send us malicious # or bogus JSON, but one day this might talk to something that would. # in particular, need to make sure nothing in this will eval badly or # run arbitrary code. that would really suck! $tdata = $data; 1 while $tdata =~ s/'[^']+'//; $tdata =~ s/-?[0-9]+//g; $tdata =~ s/(true|false|null)//g; $tdata =~ s/\s//g; print STDOUT "$tdata\n" if ($superverbose); # the remaining stuff should just be enclosed in [ ], and only {}:, # for example, imagine if a bare semicolon were in this ... if ($tdata !~ s/^\[// || $tdata !~ s/\]$// || $tdata =~ /[^{}:,]/) { $tdata =~ s/'[^']*$//; # cut trailing strings if (($tdata =~ /^\[/ && $tdata !~ /\]$/) || ($tdata =~ /^\{/ && $tdata !~ /\}$/)) { # incomplete transmission &$exception(10, "*** JSON warning: connection cut\n"); return undef; } if ($tdata =~ /\[\]/) { # oddity &$exception(11, "*** JSON warning: null list\n"); return undef; } &screech ("$data\n$tdata\nJSON IS UNSAFE TO EXECUTE! BAILING OUT!\n") if ($tdata =~ /[^\[\]\{\}:,]/); } # have to turn colons into ,s or Perl will gripe. but INTELLIGENTLY! 1 while ($data =~ s/([^'])':(true|false|null|\'|\{|-?[0-9])/\1\',\2/); # somewhat validated, so safe (errr ...) to eval() into a Perl struct eval "\$my_json_ref = $data;"; print STDOUT "$data => $my_json_ref $@\n" if ($superverbose); # do a sanity check &screech("$data\n$tdata\nJSON could not be parsed: $@\n") if (!defined($my_json_ref)); $laststatus = 0; return $my_json_ref; } sub refresh { my $interactive = shift; my $my_json_ref = &grabjson($interactive, $url, $last_id); return if (!defined($my_json_ref) || ref($my_json_ref) ne 'ARRAY' || !scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })); $last_id = &tdisplay($my_json_ref); print STDOUT "-- id bookmark is $last_id.\n" if ($verbose); &$conclude; } sub tdisplay { # used by both synchronous /again and asynchronous refreshes my $my_json_ref = shift; my $printed = 0; my $disp_max = &min($print_max, scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })); my $i; my $g; for($i = $disp_max; $i > 0; $i--) { $g = ($i-1); next if ($my_json_ref->[$g]->{'id'} <= $last_id); next if (!length($my_json_ref->[$g]->{'user'}->{'screen_name'})); $printed += &$handle($my_json_ref->[$g]); } print STDOUT "-- sorry, nothing to display.\n" if (($interactive || $verbose) && !$printed); return &max(0+$my_json_ref->[0]->{'id'}, $last_id); } sub dmrefresh { my $interactive = shift; if ($anonymous) { print STDOUT "-- sorry, you can't read DMs if you're anonymous.\n" if ($interactive); return; } # no point in doing this if we can't even get to our own timeline # (unless user specifically requested it) return if (!$interactive && !$last_id); # NOT last_dm my $my_json_ref = &grabjson($interactive, $dmurl, $last_dm); return if (!defined($my_json_ref) || ref($my_json_ref) ne 'ARRAY'); my $printed = 0; my $max = 0; my $disp_max = &min($print_max, scalar(@{ $my_json_ref })); my $i; my $g; if ($disp_max) { # an empty list can be valid if ($dm_first_time) { print STDOUT "-- checking for most recent direct messages:\n"; $disp_max = 2; $interactive = 1; } for($i = $disp_max; $i > 0; $i--) { $g = ($i-1); next if ($my_json_ref->[$g]->{'id'} <= $last_dm); next if (!length($my_json_ref->[$g]->{'sender'}->{'screen_name'})); $printed += &$dmhandle($my_json_ref->[$g]); } $max = 0+$my_json_ref->[0]->{'id'}; } print STDOUT "-- sorry, no new direct messages.\n" if (($interactive || $verbose) && !$printed); $last_dm = &max($last_dm, $max); $dm_first_time = 0 if ($last_dm); print STDOUT "-- dm bookmark is $last_dm.\n" if ($verbose); &$dmconclude; } sub wherecheck { my ($prompt, $filename, $fatal) = (@_); my (@paths) = split(/\:/, $ENV{'PATH'}); my $setv = ''; unshift(@paths, '/usr/bin'); # the usual place @paths = ('') if ($filename =~ m#^/#); # for absolute paths print STDOUT "$prompt ... "; foreach(@paths) { if (-r "$_/$filename") { $setv = "$_/$filename"; 1 while $setv =~ s#//#/#; print "$setv\n"; last; } } if (!length($setv)) { print "not found.\n"; (print($fatal),exit) if ($fatal); } return $setv; } sub screech { print STDOUT "\n\n${BEL}${BEL}@_"; kill 9, $parent; kill 9, $$; die("death not achieved conventionally"); } sub descape { my $x = shift; my $mode = shift; $x =~ s/$ssqqmask/\'/g; $x =~ s/$ddqqmask/\"/g; $x =~ s#\\/#/#g; $x =~ s/$bbqqmask/\\/g; # try to do something sensible with unicode if ($mode) { $x =~ s/\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/"&#" . hex($1) . ";"/eg; } else { if ($seven) { $x =~ s/\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/./g; } else { $x =~ s/\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/chr(hex($1))/eg; } $x =~ s/\"/"/g; $x =~ s/\'/'/g; $x =~ s/\</\</g; $x =~ s/\>/\>/g; $x =~ s/\&/\&/g; } return $x; } sub max { return ($_[0] > $_[1]) ? $_[0] : $_[1]; } sub min { return ($_[0] < $_[1]) ? $_[0] : $_[1]; }