The Dept. O'Hacking is Floodgap's repository for technical hackery genius,
particularly for gadgets, gewgaws and funny little machines. Here we look
at how to bust in to figure out how they tick and how to make them do neat
stuff. Keep in mind that any advanced trickery like this might void your
warranty, so obey all disclaimers and know your skill level.
- Weather Stations
- Hacking the Ambient Weather ObserverIP
(last update 6 Sep 2020) -- Make the Ambient Weather ObserverIP do your foul bidding when the weather
is worse than your attitude. Includes basic hardware information,
how to point it at your own weather
database and a list of Telnet-accessible commands.
- Cameras
- Hacking the D-Link DCS-900
(last update 30 Jul 2019) -- Hacking the old school D-Link DCS-900 Ethernet web camera, with specifications,
information on feature and firmware, and collected images and utilities.
- Global Positioning System Units
- Hacking the Magellan RoadMate 360 GPS
(last update 31 Jan 2008) -- Advocacy and hacking information on the cheap, easily available consumer
RM360 car GPS system, including software and operating system information
and a take-apart guide.