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[RoadsAroundME main page] Maine State Route 128
<< Maine State Route 127 All Points in Maine Maine State Route 129 >>

Termini and Mileage (2006)

Main alignment: Int of GARDINER RD, ST RTE 128, Dresden to Int of MIDDLE RD, RIVER RD, Woolwich
Main alignment: 15.36 miles (total over all segments)

Notes and History

ME 128 as originally designated in 1925 ran between Wiscasset at NEI 1 (now US 1) and Boothbay Harbor, another in a string of consecutively-numbered south coast "dead-end" routes. After the Maine Great Renumbering, this alignment became part of new route ME 27 and the number was shifted to a new and considerably more minor routing along the eastern shore of the Kennebec off new ME 27 through Dresden, paralleling ME 127 until rejoining it near Days Ferry north of Woolwich. It remains there presently.

<< Maine State Route 127 All Points in Maine Maine State Route 129 >>
Routing information is property of the Maine Department of Transportation, based on most current data available at time of this writing. No warranty or guarantee is expressed or implied regarding this routing's suitability for travel or resemblance to fact. RoadsAroundME is not affiliated with, sponsored by or funded by the taxpayers of the state of Maine, or the Maine Department of Transportation.

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