The Tomy Tutor User Club (a/k/a, variously, the Tomy Tutor User's Club) was the officially recognized user's group for the Tomy Tutor and was launched with the help of Tomy who assisted in distributing flyers to registered owners. Until its demise, its address was
Tomy Tutor User Club
P.O. Box 37
16111 Plummer Street
Sepulveda, CA 91343 USA
The TTUC was chiefed by E. C. Dinovo, who founded the group with his son, and steered it until the bitter end selling remaindered software and systems along with their own books and software, the only third-party software I know of in the USA with any distribution.
Along with their membership services, the TTUC published a regular newsletter of which I know of 9 issues and eight I have in my possession (thanks very much to regular contributor and Wizard Kludgefinder himself, James Host, who sent me a whole stack some time ago and I have only just now gotten off my rear end to scan and upload them). Done on a typewriter and later a dot-matrix printer, they are a delightful blast to the past for nostalgists and provide a view of what it was like for us when the Tomy home computer division self-destructed.
It is my intention to make every single issue available, and I'll be progressively putting more up. Please be nice to the server and do not link to files directly. To force you to download them and look at them offline, the documents are .pdf, and then zipped. Download them, turn on the time machine, and enjoy to your favourite New Wave band. If you have issues I do not have, please contact me and I will gladly cover any cost of postage, copying and inconvenience.
Some of these listings and features are made available in separate parts of this site. You might want to look there first as they are generally in a more accessible format (these are simply raw, dumb .pdfs).
Tomy goes aground; BASIC tutorial #1 (screen display,
sine curve)
TI versus Tomy; GBASIC tutorial #1; software for sale
Sprites in BASIC;
BONZBALL; full US cartridge list
Printer interface (not in the
issue, download separately); SOUND tutorial; game honour roll;
GBASIC Wizardry
Arc functions; PRINT AT with SCELL; PRINT tutorial; game honour roll;
smooth operators; items for sale
(first dot matrix issue) GBASIC tutorial #2; address file;
Colour Bars
Errata for issue 7; TT ORGAN; multistatement lines and SOUND;
Two Voice Canned Music;
items for sale; game honour roll
TTUC finds Japanese gold; BASIC math tutorial; FLIP FLOP;
Colour Bars revisited;
programming FAQ; game honour roll
If you know of issues I don't have, please notify me at