| Important Note on this Archive |
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Intending to use pictures or text from this page? Please read this notice.
Last modify 30 October 2007.
Secret Weapons of Commodore is a collaborative effort. I just organise
it all and do the writing; much of the external images, multimedia, binaries
and archived text files were graciously provided to me by the long list of
people who have assisted in making this archive as comprehensive as possible.
To respect the rights that people might have to their intellectual property,
please observe these restrictions on image use,
multimedia file use, software
use and information
use. That way we'll all be happy!
Image Use
The images on Secret Weapons of Commodore come from diverse sources, and
many appear by gracious permission of the person who created it originally
-- they are not my property to do with as I choose.
Other images are images I have scanned in or found, and still others are
images that were donated to me to do what I want with. In any event, they
should not be simply copied.
If you wish to use images of Secret Weapons for your own purposes, please
observe the following gentle requests:
If the image is not mine or given to me, I would be happy to give you the
contact address of whomever made the image in the first place and you can
ask them. I'm sure they would be more than happy to let you use it also,
but please be courteous and ASK!
- Be gracious and link back to Secret Weapons -- http://www.floodgap.com/retrobits/ckb/secret/ -- at a minimum. It would
also be nice if you included a link to the creator's home page, if the image
isn't mine or donated. It's only polite.
- Please don't pass the image off as your own. It isn't. Crediting the
source, either SWoC or the original creator, would be even better.
Multimedia File Use
Secret Weapons also archives multimedia files from time to time, like .mp3
files, sound/video clips, etc. Use of these multimedia files may be restricted
due to copyright ownership. Please do not use any multimedia
file, sound clip, etc., without contacting me first to check if
it may be disseminated. Credit must be given to either/both Secret Weapons
and the copyright owner if permission is granted.
Software Use
In general, software that appears on Secret Weapons is freely distributable.
If you encounter a program here for download in violation of its copyright,
please be advised this was an honest mistake and
notify me immediately so
that I can discontinue it.
VERY IMPORTANT EXCEPTION: Microchess appears here only by permission
of the original copyright holder. Except for the C64/128 version, which is
freely distributable, the rest are licensed for your private use only. Please
ask the original copyright holder for
permission before republication or redistribution.
Information Use
All descriptions, text and write-ups, except where noted, are completely mine,
and you may use extracts or citations for your own purposes provided that:
- ... you send me mail
and let me know what you intend to use the information for.
- ... you do not copy a significant portion. Mirroring an entire page,
for example, is not preferential. Please provide a link to the page on Secret
Weapons instead. If you want to disseminate the archive in another form,
such as on CD-ROM, you absolutely must get my explicit permission.
- ... you indicate Secret Weapons as a source,
with a link or reference in your document or on your site back to http://www.floodgap.com/retrobits/ckb/secret/.
Citations that are not my property may require the permission of the
original author. Please contact me for assistance.
That's all I ask! Thanks for helping to honour the rights of the generous
contributors who have sent in information on these unusual machines and
Cameron Kaiser