1 July 2007: The bright sun of 2007 shines on these new changes in
the very lucky 13th edition!
New entries:
multiple internationalized 128s (thanks Nicolas Welte and friends) for
Switzerland, Spain, France and Italy with pictures!,
Drean DC-320,
Danish 64 (thanks Christian Lyng) with pictures!,
1571CR (thanks Wolfgang Moser, Spiro Trikaliotis) with pictures!,
Music Maker II (64 and 128),
"VIC-16" (thanks Bob Russell) with pictures!,
Tseng PET Graphics Board (thanks Bob Russell) with pictures!,
VC 40 IEEE-4888 Cartridge (thanks Bob Russell) with pictures!
Swedish 610 (thanks Anders Carlsson) with pictures!,
Swedish PET 700 [720] (thanks Anders Carlsson) with pictures!,
TED Developer Prototype (thanks Anders Carlsson, Bil Herd)
with pictures!,
Commodore Light Pen,
C64 80 Column Card (VDC Cartridge) (thanks Jon Mines) with pictures!,
new pictures:
complete PET 64 (thanks Bryan Pope),
128 Prototype (thanks Bil Herd),
DX-64 (magazine scan running an SX-100 demo?),
LCD (thanks Bil Herd),
128D/81 (thanks Al Anger),
1551 manual scans and Jim Butterfield with the 1551 at CES,
PET 8061 8" (thanks Leo/George Page),
MDS 2040 disk drive (thanks Leo/George Page),
Sound Expander retakes,
116 retakes,
Digi-Drum magazine scan,
"Music Synthesizer" magazine scan,
BX 8088 processor board (thanks Bruce Faierson),
264 (thanks Bil Herd),
new audio!:
MP3 audio for Sound Expander, and two for Magic Voice (access-controlled:
please follow prompts);
revised early Commodore history based on Chuck Peddle's comments at VCFE4
and E-mail;
updated current Commodore events;
reorganized 4064/PET 64/Educator 64 taxonomy;
additional 65 history;
Ira Velinsky's case designs (with some details provided by his family);
large rewrite to SFX series;
two Color PETs;
additional portable 64s (thanks Nicolas Welte);
VIC-40: codename or real product? (with On the Edge);
additional SuperPET history (thanks Dave Dunfield, Heinz Wolter),
technical details on Ultimax;
additional 264 series info (thanks Dave Haynie, Bil Herd);
plus the usual various custodial updates, link corrections and typo fixes.
On a more serious note, SWoC dedicates its 13th edition to Jim Butterfield,
Commodore consultant extraordinare and teacher to generations of Commodore
users and programmers, who lost his battle with cancer this weekend. I
wish you Godspeed, Jim, and I also send my condolences to his family for the
loss of a wonderful human being.