Hear what Grace Alive
TV is all about with this MP3 recording of the introductory music
and reading from the television show. (MPEG-1
Layer 3 "MP3" Audio, 1.1MB. QuickTime 4+ recommended.)
Check out our sample of study notes
from our fellowships now available online for you to download,
print and study (.rtf format, readable on most Macs and PCs).
Right-click and select Save to save them to disk:
What Happens To Us When We
Die? (236K),
Women In The Assembly
(90K). More to come!
Welcome to GraceAliveTV.org, the Grace Alive television ministry website! Grace Alive TV Ministries is a non-profit teaching ministry affiliated with Grace Bible Fellowship of San Diego County for those who are already Christian believers: in other words, for those who believe that Christ's death and resurrection are all that is required to save them from the penalty of their sins (1 Corinthians 15:1-4).
Since the only source for spiritual understanding, growth and victory is accurate and careful analysis of the Word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17), we offer our fellowship studies publicly free of charge either via DVDs by mail or online at Google Video.
out more about how we see Scripture and how we do our analysis and
interpretation. We explain our view of the Word and our understanding
of it on our Views page.
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Website designed by Cameron Kaiser for AGM Productions,
San Diego, California.
Executive producer, Sandy Kaiser. Copyright © 2006-2013 AGM Productions. All rights reserved. Grace Alive TV productions are distributed under a Creative Commons 3.0 BY-NC-ND agreement. For distribution outside of this license, please contact us first.
GraceAliveTV.org is hosted and maintained by
Floodgap Systems
as a public service to the religious community.